Interests in Software Engineering

02 Sep 2021


My Interests in Software engineering starts with my love for computers. Computers have been a huge part of my life especially now as we are learning through online applications. I think my interest for software engineering started to peak in my sophmore year of college where I decided to switch from majoring in mechanical engineering to computer engineering. This switch made my path to graduation a lot more difficult, but I think it was the right choice as I would rather be working with computers than with robotics.

Skills I hope to Develop …

The types of skills and experiences I hope to learn to develop for the future is how to effectively work. I have been trying to master this skill throughout my time in college. I feel like if I master this skill it will help me the most when i’m out of college.I feel like college is the best time to develop working habits for your future. This is mainly due to the fact that you have so much stuff you need to balance and you have to manage your time wisely to keep up. This is a huge skill that I plan on working on throughout my college career.

The second skill I would like to also build connections with many people. This is important to me because I feel like people and connections you make are a big aspect in everyday life. The best time to do it is during college when you are surrounded by many people that are majoring in the same field as you and also people outside of your major. Making these connections early could help you in the long run in the future with jobs. Overall I feel like these connections could lead to professional connections that could lead to a lot of different opportunities.

The last skill I would like to gain through all of this is knowledge in computer engineering. This one is the reason why I went to college. The reason why I chose to study computer engineering. So of course I hope to gain a vast knowledge in computer engineering. This will allow me to understand and apply what I have learned into the workforce. I hope to learn a lot of skills and ways of thinking to apply it through my future career. These are the skills that I would like to develop to help me in the future.