When we are tasked with a difficult problem or question, we often think of many ways of going about solving these problems. We can either go with the conventional way of solving a problem, or we can be unique and solve it in our own way. There are problems where there is only one way to solve them such as typing an essay like what I am doing right now. To type this essay I would use either Google Docs or Word and just type away. Similar to design patterns, we use these resources as templates. To software engineers, design patterns are basically used as a coding template for solving problems that are similar to each other and they will help with structuring thier solutions. This is similar to how we use MLA format as a template to write our essays and also similar to our reports will usually start with a cover page. Let’s say you are making a web application that will have multiple profiles on one page you would be able to find a design pattern to help you with this. Even though we know that there would be different things going on in the web application we can still use the profiles form the design pattern to help us with the profiles.
Throughout this whole class we have been using design patterns without even knowing that we were even using them. I had to look back at each of our assignments and to my suprise, we were using these design patterns as coding templates to help us with solving them. But these assignments were only the start of this unexpected lesson. Even now in our final project which is stemmed from the meteor template that comes with many of the components that we are going to use for this project. I even used the same card function from one of our previous assignments to help with making a description of students for my final project. This just shows us how important it is to have design patterns that can be easily accessed by students like me to utilize them for our own projects.