The use of UI

06 Oct 2021

The Use of UI

Looking at a website you are first presented with a user interface this is what everyone sees when they look at your website. It may look good to the eyes and very appealing, but I am here to say that it is not that simple. Using HTML and CSS to make a website by itself is not the best way in looking at things. You are very limited in what you can produce using just the raw forms of these languages. We create websites using them, but there are better ways in which we can achieve this. Knowing this, we used something called Semantic UI.

In my opinion, Semantic UI was really easy to use to because of its simplied class syntax. Due to the classes using very simple words like “item”,”container”, etc. we know just by the context what this class is supposed to do. But when those classes didn’t do what it was supposed to do, it was pretty difficult trying to figure out what was wrong. Be sure you know that you are about to spend a lot of time on inspecting elements and trying different things to your code. I found myself doing this a lot especially when I had to recreate a website. One more annoying thing that I have found with this was with the div tags. I found that I either had one to many or was missing one and when looking at how it turned out it was all weird.

Not only was the coding part of it difficult, but the planning on how the page is going to look and how it will appeal to the consumer. I also think this is a good skill for software engineers so if they have to tweak the website they can or even if they just want to understand what the website is trying to do I feel like the skill you gain from learning this is really important.